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событие Solmukohta
The Nordic Larp conference Solmukohta will be held April 2–5, 2020 at Scandic Rosendahl hotel in Tampere, Finland
Место проведения: Tampere
Регион: Финляндия
Дата проведения: 02 апрель 2020
Продолжительность: 3 дня
Количество участников: Неизвестно
Ссылки: https://solmukohta.eu/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Welcome to Tampere!

The Nordic Larp conference Solmukohta will be held April 2–5, 2020 at Scandic Rosendahl hotel in Tampere, Finland. Check in for the conference begins at 15:00 on Thursday, and after everybody has settled we will have the opening ceremony at 17:00. The closing ceremony marking the end of Solmukohta 2020 will finish at 13:00 on Sunday.

During the week before the conference there will be Tampere Larp Festival at different locations in Tampere. There will also be other familiar A Week In program items including social gatherings and tourism, as well as the fantastic Nordic Larp Talks.

We will publish a book.

More information about tickets, calls for content, etc. will be published later during the year. You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram or send us email at info@solmukohta.eu.

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