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событие Хогвартские сезоны+1
событие International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
Регион: США
Дата проведения: 20 март 2013
Продолжительность: 4 дня
Количество участников: Неизвестно
Ссылки: http://iafa.highpoint.edu/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0


March 20-24, 2013
Marriott Orlando Airport Hotel

ICFA 34 will explore the ubiquity of adaptation in all its Fantastic forms. Conference papers might consider specific adaptations, adaptation theory, translation, elision and interpolation, postmodern pastiche, transformation and metafictionality, plagiarism and homage, audience and adaptation, franchise fiction, or the recent resurgence of reboots, retcons, remakes, and reimaginings.

Guests of Honor: Neil Gaiman and Kij Johnson
Guest Scholar: Constance Penley

We welcome paper proposals on all aspects of the fantastic, and especially encourage papers on the work of our special guests and attending authors.

For paper or panel proposals on all aspects of Visual and Performance Arts and Audiences please contact the Division Head Isabella van Elferen at I.A.M.vanElferen@uu.nl. VPAA papers may include (musical) fan culture, transformative works (both fan and professional), audience/reception studies, and visual media, both new and traditional, including video games, comic books, drama, dance, music painting, photography, and digital art.

Paper proposals must consist of a 500-word proposal accompanied by an appropriate bibliography, and a 300-word abstract. Please send them to the appropriate Division Head below. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2012. Participants will be notified by November 15, 2012, if they are accepted to the conference. Attendees may present only one paper at the conference and should not submit to multiple divisions. If you are uncertain as to which Division you should submit your proposal, please contact Sherryl Vint (sherryl.vint@gmail.com). Please see our website at www.iafa.org<http://www.iafa.org/>; for further information about how to propose panel sessions or participate in creative programming at the conference.


Visual and Performing Arts and Audiences
Isabella van Elferen <I.A.M.vanElferen@uu.nl>

Children’s and Young Adult Literature and Art
Alaine Martaus <acmartaus@gmail.com>

Fantasy Literature
Stefan Ekman <stefan.ekman@englund.lu.se>

Film and Television
Kyle Bishop<BishopK@suu.edu>

Horror Literature
Rhonda Brock-Servais <brockservaisrl@longwood.edu>

International Fantastic
Rachel Haywood Ferreira <rhaywoodferreira@gmail.com>

Science Fiction Literature
David M. Higgins <dmhiggin@gmail.com>

Dr. Isabella van Elferen | Department Media and Culture Studies | Utrecht University | Muntstraat 2A | Room 0.10 | 3512 EV Utrecht | The Netherlands | T. 030 253 6274 | F. 030 253 6167 | I.A.M.vanElferen@uu.nl | http://www.uu.nl/gw/medewerkers/IAMvanElferen

Now out -- Gothic Music: The Sounds of the Uncanny http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/G/bo14294430.html

~ Inter Deum et Diabolum Semper Musica Est ~

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