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Participatory Media and Role-Playing
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In the World
new book on "Participatory Media and Role-Playing", edited by Evan Torner and William J. White
Info from Markus Montola
Исходный текст:
About the Book This collection of all-new essays approaches the topic of immersion as a product of social and media relations. Examining the premises and aesthetics of live-action and tabletop role-playing games, reality television, social media apps and first-person shooters, the essays take both game rules and the media discourse that games produce as serious objects of study. Scholars of social psychology, sociology, role-playing theory, game studies, and television studies all examine games and game-like environments like reality shows as interdependent sites of social friction and power negotiation. The ten essays articulate the importance of game rules in analyses of media products, and demonstrate methods that allow game rules to be seen in action during the process of play. About the Author Evan Torner is a Ph.D. candidate in German studies and film studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He lives in Northampton, Massachusetts. William J. White, an associate professor of communication arts & sciences at Penn State Altoona, teaches speech and mass media courses. His research interests include communication theory, the rhetoric of science, science fiction and games as participatory culture. He lives in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
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