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событие ЗилантКон 2009+2
событие The Return of the Ring
Celebrating Tolkien in 2012
Loughborough University, 16th - 20th August 2012
Регион: Великобритания
Дата проведения: 16 август 2012
Продолжительность: 4 дня
Количество участников: Неизвестно
Ссылки: http://www.returnofthering.org/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

The Return of the Ring
Celebrating Tolkien in 2012

Loughborough University, 16th - 20th August 2012

Following the successful ’The Ring goes ever on Tolkien 2005’ at Aston University Birmingham. The Tolkien Society will be celebrating Tolkien’s enduring legacy with a 5 day conference at Loughborough University, from the 16th - 20th August 2012. This conferences’ roots go deep, a harmonious blending of academic, fandom and creative streams along with the opportunity to renew fellowships, will make it a long expected gathering. A time to make new friends, and celebrate the legacy of The Professor
2012, a year of note

’In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.’ 75 years later The Hobbit still holds a treasured position in the canon of children’s literature, with the prospect of live action film at the end of the year. What better time to acknowledge its timeless qualities. But the time in which the story of ’The Hobbit’ occurs towards the end of the Third Age of a world with an epic backstory. This work known as The Silmarillion published posthumously, will see its 35th year of publication in 2012.
Events and Guests

A number of special guests have been invited to join us, and we will let you know as we receive their confirmations. To date we look forward to welcoming noted authors Tom Shippey and Brian Sibley, with more announcements expected soon.

In addition to presentations on all aspects of Tolkien’s creation we will host a dealer’s room and an art exhibit. There will be special events planned for young Hobbits, and the ever-popular tours. The evenings will feature a variety of entertainments, including an Opening Ceremony, a Costume Masquerade, and a Ceilidh. Of course no meeting of Tolkien aficionados is complete without a banquet, and this one will be no exception.
The Venue

Loughborough University offers comfortable, affordable accommodations, and ease of access via public transportation, minimizing environmental impact. As extra transport is added to the system to support the Olympics, there will be ample and reasonably priced options for visitors from across the globe. Did we mention that Loughborough is known for its warm welcome, and has provided us with a flexible arrangement for function rooms? In fact, there is no reason to delay - plan to join us now by completing the online booking form, or printing and filling in the PDF booking form. Take full advantage NOW while early registration discounts are still in effect.

Progress Report 2 is now available to download.
The PDF booking form is available to download.
Talk proposal form
Non-academic Items
Christine Davidson Award
Map showing Loughborough University.
Loughborough University
Imago (conference arm of Loughborough University)

Help wanted

Would you like to contribute towards this event? We have an energetic group of volunteers but we can always use a few more hands as 2012 approaches. Most meetings occur via the internet, and we welcome any help you can give. There are a few posts that have become vacant recently as people find the inevitable fork in the road along the way. Can you help? We would love to welcome you to our fellowship! Do you have any professional services that you think we might find useful? Volunteer to help us to run the conference.

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