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событие Wyrd Con 2011
Wyrd Con is a Interactive Theater Convention located in the United States .
Регион: США
Дата проведения: 10 июнь 2011
Продолжительность: 3 дня
Количество участников: Неизвестно
Ссылки: http://wyrdcon.com/sample-page/wyrd-con-2011/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

What is Wyrd Con?
Wyrd Con is a Interactive Theater Convention located in the United States . Interactive Theater is the concept where both the audience and actors are both part of the performance. Activities such as Live Action Role Playing, also known as LARP, is one such theater concept having been around for decades. Others such as ARGs, or even Live Simulations are also included at Wyrd Con.

If you have ever had a desire to solve the mystery, fight the enemy, or experience a world that mixes theater, costuming, and all of the story worlds you have heard of from Anime, History, or Science Fiction than Wyrd Con is the place to be.

All are welcome to attend.

Our Mission
At Wyrd Con our mission is two fold:

1) To increase exposure to Interactive Theater by providing entertaining events.

2) To increase exposure to the variety of Interactive Theater by providing educational experiences.

This two-fold concept of focusing on entertainment, and education ensures that we focus on providing a variety of experiences that vary from year to year, as well as guide us in ensuring a unbiased perspective on the different varieties that exist in the world.

Intercon West

Two Wyrd is proud to officially announce that it has partnered with LARPA, the Live Action Role Players Association, and is proud to call our second Wyrd Con Intercon West.
Intercon is the service mark of LARPA, and is produced by independent local groups working in close cooperation with LARPA, and has consistently featured some of the best, most innovative, diverse, and exciting LARPs produced. If you enjoy live roleplaying, you won’t want to miss any Intercon, including our youngest chapter, Wyrd Con!

Wyrd Con 2011 brought to you by:

Senior Staff
Anthony Beavers – Event Security
Joslyn Field – Operations Manager, Registrations, Events, Designer Coordination
Ira Ham – Convention Mascot & Executive Officer
Jennifer Palais – Chief of Marketing & Sponsorship
Lisa Schaefer – Manager Contests and Special Events
Aaron Vanek – VIP Coordination and Relations

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