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событие ЗилантКон 2009+2
событие Knutepunkt 09
The Nordic Larp conference Knutepunkt will take place from April 16 to April 19, 2009, at Haraldvangen north of Oslo, Norway

A Week in Norway will start on April 14 and continue in Oslo one day after Knutepunkt.

Sign-up will open in January 2009.

Call for Program is available right now...

Регион: Норвегия
Регион: Осло
Дата проведения: 16 апрель 2009
Продолжительность: 4 дня
Количество участников: 300 человек
Ссылки: http://www.larpconference.org/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Welcome to Knutepunkt 09

Our vision for Knutepunkt 09 is that we will search for the things in larp that really matter.

  • Before and during Knutepunkt we want to identify and document tools and methods that makes it easier to realize your larp dream.
  • During Knutepunkt our prority is to facilitate meaningful content and creative meetings.
  • After Knutepunkt it will be easier to create more and better larps for more people.

Important dates

The Nordic Larp conference Knutepunkt will take place from April 16 to April 19, 2009, at Haraldvangen north of Oslo, Norway

A Week in Norway will start on April 14 and continue in Oslo one day after Knutepunkt.

Sign-up will open in January 2009.

Call for Program is available right now...
The Knutepunkt Web

Knutepunkt is about meeting people outside your usual larping crowd. These people can give you new ideas, inspiration, practical tips, great friendship and lots of fun. With this interactive homepage we want to give you a chance to get a head start on that process. Make a profile, start a blog, tell us what you are interested in and what it is you really love about larping. What is it that really matters to you?

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