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событие Knudepunkt 2012 (Solmukohta)
Solmukohta (known as Knutepunkt, Knutpunkt or Knudepunkt when held in Norway, Sweden or Denmark respectively) is an annual Nordic live roleplaying convention that has a strong tradition on freeform games as well.
Регион: Финляндия
Дата проведения: 12 апрель 2012
Продолжительность: 3 дня
Количество участников: 300 человек
Ссылки: http://www.solmukohta.org/uploads/Main/index.html
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

April 12th-15th 2012, in Finland
Knutepunkt Forum
Call for Article Proposals
Solmukohta 2008

Solmukohta (known as Knutepunkt, Knutpunkt or Knudepunkt when held in Norway, Sweden or Denmark respectively) is an annual Nordic live roleplaying convention that has a strong tradition on freeform games as well.

Since the first event, held in 1997, Solmukohta has evolved into the main venue of co-operation between Nordic roleplaying gamers and meeting players from all around Europe and even farther away. The panels, lectures, workshops and games are goldmines for finding new ideas about gaming and game organizing, keeping good thoughts afloat and sharing your experiences of your previous games - what's old hat to you may be an exciting novelty for some other larp scene

Solmukohta is not, however, only all about its official program. It is as much about meeting interesting people and sharing your ideas and views with them and getting feedback. It is about having fun and finding inspiration. The basis of the event is build on parties and informal meetings

Those who are interested in seeing more, there's A Week in Finland – pre-event filled with larps, meetings and parties. This is also a great chance to see more of Finland, not limited to the typical tourist attractions and sightseeing, and also get to know Finnish roleplayers and roleplaying a bit better. AWiF will start on Sunday the 8th of April and end in the morning of Thursday the 12th. As Solmukohta is held in a really nice hotel a little outside Helsinki, AWiF is organized all around Helsinki. Participants will stay at local larper's homes or at a youth center, with their sleeping bags and pads.

During the last few years, the event has expanded its horizons considerably. In addition to the main Nordic countries, the last few years have seen participants from more that fifteen countries. We’d love to see this trend continue – broader horizons bring more ideas and a better view on how gaming works in different cultures.

As its mother city Helsinki celebrates its year as the World Design Capital, Solmukohta 2012 delves deeply into the subject of design. What does design mean in live action and other forms of roleplaying? What is game design and how does it overlap with - and relate to - other forms of design? Why do we design and who do we design for? We want to explore the core of game design and to talk about its different forms, trends, possibilities - and future. Should design always aim for something extraordinary and exquisite, or is it possible to dress up in our old elf ears and let the wind blow through our dusty capes in a design fantasy setting? What qualifies as design?

So, no matter where you are from, no matter whether you are an old gaming enthusiast or new to the liveroleplaying scene, welcome to Solmukohta 2012! The dates are April 12-15, location is near Helsinki. The registration will open in the beginning of December 2011.

Solmukohta will be organised by a project group under Ropecon.


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