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событие Project System
Do you want to know what totalism means? Experience it yourself through a game.

Participant fee is

170 EUR for students
190 EUR for adults

Организаторы: Court of Moravia, info@courtofmoravia.com
Регион: Чехия
Дата проведения: 23 сентябрь 2011
Продолжительность: 3 дня
Количество участников: Неизвестно
Ссылки: http://www.projekt-system.cz/en/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

We don’t know hunger,
poverty, injustice.
We are living in a free
society, based on the
ideals of humanity
and solidarity. Where
other ideologies had
failed, we succeeded.
We created a better
place for life, we
created the System.

The promise of a better, happier
life is the beginning of every
totalitarian society. We see
totalism as one of the greatest
threats the mankind must face
today. But what exactly is the
totalism? We know that it is
wrong. But do we also know
why? And would we even recog-
nize the moment when things
start taking the wrong direction?

System is an experiential role
playing game that makes you
realize what totalism really
means during one weekend.

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