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текст Educational potential of Youth Public ORGANIZATIONS / LARP Science
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Gerlach I.V. Educational potential of youth organizations: the essence, means and conditions for development in the context of role-playing youth movement. Monograph. - M., 2008. - 202 pp.

Full text located here

Moscow - 2008
Published by the decision of the Editorial Board of International Academy of Science Teacher Education (IASP)

The book reveals the essence of the concepts of "youth organization", "RPG Youth Movement", "educational potential", "plot-theatrical role-playing game", "socio-pedagogical design, classified set of pedagogical conditions for the development of the educational potential of MOO Club role-playing game" , evidence-based and implemented a model of its development, the technique of his diagnosis.
Considerable attention is paid to the disclosure of factors of socio-cultural activities, which determine the development of role-based youth movement.
The book is graduate students, teachers, students, counselor educators, and additional education.

Reviewers: Petko VA - Dr. ped.nauk, Professor
Manvelov SG - Dr. ped.nauk, Professor
Solodukhina TK - Dr. ped.nauk, Professor

© IASP 2008.
© Gerlach I.V. 2008.


CHAPTER I. The theoretical basis for the development of the educational potential of youth NGOs
1.1. The essence of the educational potential of the youth movement 1.2. The main characteristics of the educational potential of role-playing youth movement
1.3. Formation of socially significant qualities of the subject of youth public organizations means socio-cultural activities
CHAPTER II. Improving the educational potential of youth NGOs by means of socio-cultural activities
2.1. The content of socio-cultural activities of youth public organization "Club of role-playing games"
2.2. Formation model of the educational potential of youth public organization "Club of role-playing games"
2.3. Synthesis conditions and means of socio-cultural activities as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of youth public organization "Club of role-playing games"


Topicality of the monograph issues stem from the realization of its societies and institutions need to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for active social and cultural life of youth. The main direction of state youth policy of Russia is to create legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for self-identity of young people through the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. As adopted by the Government of Russia "Strategy of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation of 18 December 2006 stated that it was necessary at the state level to meet the challenges of effective dissemination of models and forms of youth participation in the management of public life, to involve youth in social and political life support youth organizations and associations, capable, proactive, talented young people, involving young people in creative, academic and sports associations, introduction of developmental, role-playing and sports games.
In recent decades the rise of various social associations of young people, significantly differed from the target plants, content and modes of expression. New forms of socio-cultural activities have become part of modern Russian existentiality. The importance of capacity development of education in the modernization of Russian education is defined by tolerance, communication, mutual respect, initiative, humanity, mutual aid, patriotism, responsibility, citizenship.
Patriotic pedagogy has gained vast experience studying youth associations, whose activities are carried as designed, predictable, and spontaneous. Contemporary youth movements in the vast majority initiated by the participants themselves, to freely choose the content and technology activities. Pedagogical potential of these movements is original, and the possibility of its use in purely pedagogical problems of formation of socially significant qualities of the person adequately can be realized only when science teacher from the fragmentary treatment of the experience of different directions of activities of participants in youth movements will go to the systematic and consistent study of the socio-cultural phenomenon.
There are a significant number of scientific papers on the issue of the educational potential of the various activities, methods and tools. In modern pedagogic educational potential is considered by several authors: E. Aronov, A. Melik-Pashayev, AA Yurikovym etc.; researchers introduced the concepts: types of building social movements (EP Belinskaya, OA Tihomandritskaya), the educational potential of combining leisure and cultural-recreational orientation (D. E. Simonov) the emotional potential of the collective (AN Lutoshkin, AG bricklayer), educational potential of children and youth social movement (GV Derbeneva, SV Tetersky), etc.
Suffice it to deeply investigate the issues relating to the operation and activities of youth associations, organizations and clubs (NF Basov, IA Valgaeva, AV Volokhov, E. Sh Kamaldinova, ME Kulpedinova, R.A . Litvak, etc.), history and development of youth movement in Russia (IIFrishman, LV Bayborodova, AV Volokhov, MI Rozhkov, LV Aliev, VA Kudinov etc.); formation and development of domestic role-playing youth movement (BV Kupriyanov, AE Podobin, LV Bocharova, LE Smerkovich, M. E. Freed, VV Voronov et al .), as well as issues of technology and the organization of cultural and leisure activities in order to distinguish it among all the spiritual phenomena (AD Zharkov, L. S. Zharkov, MA Ariarsky, TI Baklanov, VY Surtaev, VI Solodukhin, A. Streltsov). It is worth noting the work of revealing the problems of governance, methodology, theory of social and cultural activities (BG Mosalov, VM Chizhikov, A. Kargin, NN Yaroshenko, GL Tulchinsky).
The problem with role-playing, plot-role and theatrical appearances in domestic and foreign science has a different interpretation in accordance with the characteristics, objectives and tasks of pedagogy, philosophy, psychology and sociology. On analysis of psychological and pedagogical aspects of role, subject-role and theatrical games accessed many scientists, who considered:
psychological and pedagogical possibilities the game, including a role as a method of educating the youth, especially playing the position of the teacher, the conditions necessary for organizing the game, its importance to the mental and physical development, training, educational and therapeutic play activity (VA Sukhomlinsky, Blonskii, Shatskii, Makarenko, Vygotsky, D. El'konin, S. Rubinstein, IIFrishman, NP Anikeyev S. A. Amonashvili, SA Shmakov, A. Dubrovsky, O. Guzman, MI Rozhkov, LV Bayborodova, C. Livingstone, J. Hadfield, JP Ladousse, T. Witinger , B. Witschi, R. Schaller, M. Rowe, R. Hoppe-Kresse, etc.);
comprehensive educational influence games (Makarenko, Krupskaya, MG Yanovskaya, SA Shmakov, etc.);
socio-psychological causes and features of role-playing youth, their philosophical understanding, adaptability to the game, its socio-cultural existence in the world, various psycho and those close to him psihokulturnye practice (E. Berne, J. Huizinga, E. Fink, Leontiev , S. Rubinstein, L. T. Retjunsky, VA beans, AS Prutchenkov, YD Krasovskii, VI Bakshtanovsky, YV Geronimus, F. Ameln, K. Aschenbrenner -Egger, M. Kramer, P. Soppa, K. Jensen, L. Teckemeyer, R.Hoppe-Kresse, M. Riegger, etc.);
psycho-pedagogical characteristics games developed in the role-based movements, their moral and ethical aspects (BV Kupriyanov, AE Podobin and LE Smerkovich, M. E. Freed, etc.) and use of such games in children's summer camps, schools and universities in training, developmental and educational purposes (AR Lyandsberg, Yury Lazarev, Boris V. Kupriyanov, AE Podobin, LE Smerkovich, I.I . Frishman, M. Kozharinov, etc.).
Questions about what role the plot-theatrical games are the most effective in achieving its educational goals, what should be the content and stages of implementation, as should be addressed organizational issues, what is the optimum method for carrying out these games are little-known area of modern pedagogical science. Insufficiency of disclosure of psychological and pedagogical principles for subject-role-playing theater games and do not address many practical issues related to their different conduct by age and social groups.
The monograph defines the concepts of "youth organization", "educational potential", "subject-role theatrical play", "socio-pedagogical design," "game design", identifies educational opportunities plot-role-playing theatrical games as a means of socio-cultural activities young people, ensure the development of socially significant qualities of the personality, the nature, components and content of the educational potential of youth public organizations (CBOs) Club roleplaying games, classified set of educational conditions for the development of the educational potential of MOO Club roleplaying games, and implemented evidence-based model of the development of educational the capacity of youth NGOs, the technique of diagnosing educational potential of MOO Club roleplaying games.
The theoretical significance of the monograph is to reveal the factors of socio-cultural activities, which determine the development of role-based youth movement, the theoretical analysis of the educational potential of youth NGOs by means of socio-cultural activities, which is characterized by the fact that optimizes resources and social-cultural activities of young people making the ascent from the specific scientific and vital facts to the truth and the idea of implementing actions to collective embodiment of club activities on the basis of meaningful pedagogical experience and theoretical foundation of approaches to productive forms of socio-cultural activities (development of the theory of role-playing, role modeling, game development programs (projects) have applications in education and education, promotion and implementation of these programs in educational and cultural institutions, organization of applied arts, etc.).
This monograph, it contains the theoretical propositions and conclusions, the model of the educational potential of youth NGOs, the method of testing, research and guidelines set the stage for the scientific support for the training of teachers and organizers of club work, further education of teachers. It can be used as a manual on the methodology for elective courses university of culture and arts at the department of social and cultural activities, the organization of youth clubs, role-playing games, in schools, further education, summer camps and other institutions associated with the targeted complex educational impact on youth.

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