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текст Specifics of LARP usage at the process of studying of technical sciences in High-school / LARP Science
Full version in Russian is here
Андрей "Дэл" Рэмович Ляндзберг | 04.05.2010
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Kamchatka technical state university
Diploma of high-school tutor qualification
"Specifics of LARP usage at the process of studying of technical sciences in High-school".

Graduate Lyanzberg A.R.
Supervising Kuzmina M.V.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 2001


Volume of the graduation project 92 sheets. By way of illustration 4 drawings.
Textual material is designed in the form of 2 tables.
List of used literature sources includes 35 items.
Applications available.

List of keywords:

Role playing, teaching and the classification of games,
APPLICATION role-playing games in higher education, technical subjects

Subject of diploma project: "The specific use of role-playing games to study
technical subjects at the university."

The object of study: the possibility and effectiveness of role-playing games
in the curriculum of technical subjects at the university.

The object of research: difficult games in general (Genesis, description,
comparison) and specifically role-playing games (and relaxation training,
performance, comparison, use of role-playing games in the learning process
of higher education).

Objective: To examine and compare the various kinds of complex educational
games, and to examine and compare the basic types of role-playing games,
role play to consider as a factor in the learning process, show the feasibility
and effectiveness of the role of educational games in the course of technical disciplines.

Methods and objectives of the study:

1). Description, classification and comparison of the main types of complex educational
games based on the analysis of published data;

2). Description and comparison of existing types of role-playing games;

3). Identify specifics of role-playing games in the training courses of higher education.

The results: all goals met the graduation project (see above): The study and comparison
of different types of complex educational games, study and comparison of the major types
of role-playing games, role-playing games considered as a factor in the learning process,
the possibility and efficacy of role-playing educational games in the courses technical disciplines.

The novelty of this work is that the first time:

1). We find the principle of systematization of all gaming disciplines;

2). We present a generalized classification of role-playing games;

3). Analytically compare the two main types of role-playing training and relaxation
and selected elements RRTIs applicable in the learning process;

4). Recommendations on the use of role-playing games in the training courses of technical
subjects in high school.

Recommendations for implementation: It is recommended to use this thesis project as incomplete
manual for the role-playing games and as a basis for subsequent research on igrotehnike.

The practical and scientific significance of the work: first published in certain scientific
and practical situation (see above).

Scope: research and teaching activities related to igrotehnikoy role-playing games.

Basic design and technical and operational characteristics: no, because the object is intangible.
Full version in Russian is here

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