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текст Алгоритм "Хочу поехать на игру"+2
видео О трудностях создания инноваций+2
событие Интерактивное образование+2
рубрика In English / Все материалы / Ролевые игры живого действия
текст Systemic Perspectives on Information in Physically Performed Role-play
Jussi Harviainen
doctoral dissertation on role-playing

текст On the Edge of the Magic Circle: Understanding Pervasive Games and Role-Playing
Markus Montola Date: 2012-09-22
Year: 2012
Publisher: Tampere University Press
Series: Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1750
ISBN: 978-951-44-8863-4
Electronic series: Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis; 1222
ISBN of the electronic version: 978-951-44-8864-1
URN: http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-44-8864-1 Date: 2012-09-22
Year: 2012
Publisher: Tampere University Press
Series: Acta Universitatis Tamperensis; 1750
ISBN: 978-951-44-8863-4
Electronic series: Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis; 1222
ISBN of the electronic version: 978-951-44-8864-1
URN: http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:978-951-44-8864-1

текст Participatory Media and Role-Playing
new book on "Participatory Media and Role-Playing", edited by Evan Torner and William J. White
Info from Markus Montola

текст Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks:
An Epic Quest for Reality Among Role Players, Online Gamers, and Other Dwellers

ссылка вовне 100.000 swords can’t be Silenced
What’s the fuss about?
Live Action Role Playing (larp) is a world-spanning hobby, with people doing larp
("larping") in all parts of the world. It’s a phenomenon that started in the UK in the 80’s
and has since spread to places as diverse as Israel, Brazil and New Zealand.

ссылка вовне International Journal of Role-Playing
The mission of the International Journal of Role-
Playing is to be a publication venue for the topclass
articles discussing role-playing and roleplaying
games. The scope of the journal is broad,
being inclusive for relevant submissions from a
number of fields. Due to our ambition, the road
from the first issue, published in 2008, has been a
long one. It is our sincere hope that you, the reader,
will enjoy the fruits of our quest for quality
scholarship, presented in the five articles included
in this issue.

ссылка вовне International Comparative Larp Study
International Comparative Larp Study is a long-term research project that aims to collect the systematic knowledge on live action role-playing around the world.

ссылка вовне Коллекция ролевой музыки в Германии от Клауса Канна

ссылка вовне LARPzeit international 2011
Ролевой журнал в Германии.

файл Sex modeling in Russian LARPs (Knudepunkt 2011)
Presentation for KnudePunkt 2011 This is a short overview of sex modelling in Russian LARPs. 1. Why we need sex modelling? - as a part of demography. How to die on a game and come back your own son? - as a part of cultural life. Bordel is a popular place for the rest on a game - how to play lovelace and how to support this by game rules - virginality as a symbol of holy life 2. How to model sex in a game? In this part I will propose you some simple ways how to play sex in a proper way. We will discuss how to do it just a fanny game,
  Вячеслав Рожков | 19.02.2011
sex_modelling.pdf, 368.13K

текст Larp Instead of Communism
Taisia Kann & Viacheslav Rozhkov Larp Instead of Communism. History and Evolution of Live Action Role-Playing in Russia

ссылка вовне LARP Graffity
Сборник статей к итальянскому конвенту LARP Symposium 24-26 сентября 2010 года.

файл LARP Academia - международные публикации о РИ
International publishing about LARP
thisyearinlarpacademia_public.ppt, 212.00K

текст Educational potential of Youth Public ORGANIZATIONS

текст Specifics of LARP usage at the process of studying of technical sciences in High-school
Full version in Russian is here
  Андрей "Дэл" Рэмович Ляндзберг | 04.05.2010

ссылка вовне Jeep form games

ссылка вовне Nordic LARP talks

ссылка вовне Interacting arts

текст Russian Larp History
Published here http://interactingarts.org/blogs/index.php?title=title_6&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 ALEXEY SEMENOV (a.k.a. MacDuff) is a person we know nothing about. This text has arrived to the book by strange by-ways and crooked paths. But it really doesn’t matter who wrote it – it is well worth reading.
  Семёнов Алексей Игоревич | 04.05.2010

текст History and evolution of Life-action roleplaying games in Russia
Доклад на Кнутпункте 2010
  Вячеслав Рожков | 04.05.2010

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