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событие Dragonbane - международный ролевой проект (Швеция-Эстония)
Dragonbane is a pan-European Live Action Role Play made by hundreds of people spread throughout more than fifteen countries. This unique event will take place in Sweden in the autumn 2005. All in all preparations for this unforgettable event for over thousand participants have taken over two years.
Регион: Швеция
Регион: Эстония
Дата проведения: август 2005
Продолжительность: 5 дней
Количество участников: 1000 человек
Ссылки: http://www.dragonbane.org/index.php
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Dragonbane is a 1000-person pan-European Live Action Role Play (or larp) made by hundreds of people spread through out more than fifteen countries. It's the first truly European larp project ever made. It's also a million-Euro project where all the work is done exclusively by volunteers, as several hundred skilled professionals from all over Europe work unpaid to make our vision come alive. And this is no small task. We are trying to create a roleplaying game the likes of which haven't been seen before. Roleplaying always deals with imaginary reality, and in Dragonbane we try to push the limits on how believable fiction can be.

In Dragonbane, when you enter the village of dragon-worshippers you'll see the houses. When the wizard creates magical fire you'll feel the heat. When the Dragon sings, you'll hear the music.

This isn't a book. This isn't a movie. It's an experience.

Welcome to Dragonbane


текст [163723] комментарии
  Михаил Русин | 28.11.2004

ссылка вовне "Dragonbane" в вопросах и ответах комментарии
Данная статья - дословный перевод информации на сайте "Dragonbane" http://www.dragonbane.org/faq.php Надеюсь она поможет Российским ролевикам определиться с решением о поездке на игру.

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