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событие ЗилантКон 2009+2
событие Knutepunkt 2010
Скандинавский ролевой конвент
Регион: Швеция
Дата проведения: 22 апрель 2010
Продолжительность: 4 дня
Количество участников: 300 человек
Ссылки: http://knutpunkt.se/
Рекомендации: +:0     :0

Knutpunkt 2010 has a date, venue and money. April 22 — 25, at Fiskeboda, a 2 hour bus ride from Stockholm, the Knutpunkt conference is yet again going to rock your boat. Fiskeboda has all the essentials: large and small meeting rooms, beautiful nature, close proximity to a lake and a sauna. Mark this date down in your calendar now. Then continue reading.

We are looking to tap deeper into that pool of collective creative power that are the Knutpunktgoers. We want you to show us what you can do—not just by playing the games, but by running them. There is at least one programme point in each and everyone of us. And now, the time has come to host it. It does not have to be perfect, it just has to happen. Experiment. Dare. Create larp legend. Or at least take the first step.

Trend-sensitive as we are, we commit to the show-not-tell theme. We are looking for more things and shorter things, things that engage through active participation. We are inviting everyone of you to participate by performing: it can be presenting the larp and role-playing culture of your isolated pacific atoll by sampling its more esoteric games, holding a zero-gravity larping workshop or just bringing a copy of that great free-form game you played at Fastaval last year and running it on Sunday morning with your new friends. Or why not that mini-larp you ran with your closest friends last weekend? Role-playing is a patch-work of wide-ranging activities, and Knutpunkt its microcosm.

Knutpunkt 2010 will see the simultaneous release of no less than two books—one coffee-tablesque, presenting 29 iconic larps to the rest of the world, and one more traditional volume disseminating the latest and greatest in theoretical results, insights and games from the role-playing year of 2009.

As soon as the programme website it up, we will start soliciting your programme contributions, so dust off those old ideas for your amazing game or come up with new ones. Keep this channel open and prepare to be boarded.

/Anders and Anna


ссылка вовне New Anthology on nordic live role-playing: Playing Reality
Сборник статей, который распространялся на конвенте Кнутпункт 2010.

текст Звезды - свидетели
Ролевая игра, которую я провел на Кнутпункте 2010
  Вячеслав Рожков | 05.05.2010

файл LARP Academia - международные публикации о РИ
International publishing about LARP
thisyearinlarpacademia_public.ppt, 212.00K

текст History and evolution of Life-action roleplaying games in Russia
Доклад на Кнутпункте 2010
  Вячеслав Рожков | 04.05.2010

текст We are the world!
  Вячеслав Рожков | 25.04.2010

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